Career Opportunities

Working at the Y, you’ll discover more than a job—you’ll enjoy a career with a future and the opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of those around you.

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  2. Career Opportunities


Imagine going to work knowing that what you do each day positively affects the lives of the people in your community. Working at the Y, you’ll discover more than a job—you’ll enjoy a career with a future and the opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of those around you. In more than 10,000 communities nationwide, our staff members—of all ages and from diverse back­grounds and life experiences—enjoy the personal satisfaction that comes from nurturing the potential of youth and teens, improving the nation’s health and well-being and providing support to our neighbors.

YMCA Careers

  • Assistant Teacher not currently hiring
  • Before and After School Teacher not currently hiring
  • Drop-in Childcare Staff not currently hiring
  • Gymnastics Coach
  • Group Fitness Instructor
  • Lifeguard
  • Member Services  not currently hiring
  • Personal Trainer – not currently hiring
  • Preschool Teacher: Full time not currently hiring
  • Summer Camp Counselor: Camp Alexander
  • Swim Instructor
  • Wellness Staff – not currently hiring

For more information on these positions inquire at or 715-818-9622

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