Adult Sports

Whether you’re reconnecting with family members during Y Family Night, learning how to combat Type II Diabetes in the YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program, discovering new skills in a class or sports league, or simply burning off a few pesky calories in pilates, the Y is a place where you can make yourself healthier every day—and in every respect.

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  1. Sports
  2. Adult Sports



Open Gym

Our gymnasium is the talk of South Wood County area, and with ample reason. Anchored by a floor that is made of Grade “A” Maplewood, and you can begin to comprehend the image that is racing in your mind. Our state-of-the-art gymnasium consists of three cross-court basketball courts; one full court for basketball and volleyball and five pickleball courts. Inspect our monthly gym schedules for open pickleball, basketball, and volleyball designations.

Open Pickleball

Pickleball is an ever-growing sport and what better place to play it than at the Y. Pickleball nets and balls will be available. Schedule subject to change.

Day/Time: Monday – Friday 10:00am-1:00pm
Wednesday 6:30-7:50pm
FEE: Free for Members | Day Pass for Non-Members
Age: 16+

Pickleball Power Performance

Build strength behind your play! Join a four-week specialized strength program designed to focus on preventive care and improve your strength in pickleball.

Preventive Strength Training/Mobility: Tennis Elbow Prevention & Knee and Hip Health

Specific Strength program for Pickleball players

Session 2: Mondays, October 15th – November 12th, 5:30-6:30pm
$30-Members | $50-Non-members


Have a love of soccer? Join our Open Soccer nights in Port Edwards with other adults who also just want to play this kickin’ fun sport! This program is designed for high school age and above. All participants must register before playing.

Where: the Port Edwards YMCA
Day: Winter Season Only
Time: TBD
Fee: TBD
Age: 14+

 Men’s Pick-Up Basketball

This program is open to any Y members interested in playing. Pick-up games can be played full-court or half-court, depending on the number of players participating and general player preference. Pick-up basketball will be available to play in the gymnasium during scheduled times. Schedule subject to change.

Day: Mon/Wed/Fri
Time: 8:00-10:00am
Fee: Free /Member
Age: 16+